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Fostering in Children a Love of Nature

Developing in our children a passion for the great outdoors begins early. I wanted to discuss today the need of developing this relationship and how we might do it together.

I'll tell you a secret. Among my best childhood memories are of exploring the woods behind my house. It was enchanted, the sound of chirping birds and rustling leaves. Those encounters helped to mold me into the current nature enthusiast. I'm determined now as a parent to instill in my daughter this love.

Just why is it so important? Well, besides the obvious advantages of being outside (hello, vitamin D!), early instillation of a love of nature can produce environmental stewards for life. Children that are environmentally concerned are more likely to become adults who support its preservation.

I get a sense of fulfillment watching my daughter play among the bushes and trees. Her interest in the natural world, which piqued mine when I was her age, warms my heart. Her outdoor explorations provide her with priceless lessons in everything from plant and animal identification to an appreciation of the delicate balance of ecosystems.

Children can easily grow cut off from nature in the fast-paced, technologically advanced world of today. I thus make it a point to take my daughter on frequent nature walks, camping excursions, and hikes. She gets a break from screens from these encounters, which also help her to appreciate and be in awe of the beauty all around us.

Moreover, the future of our world depends on our ability to foster in our kids a love of nature. The following generation needs to be motivated and knowledgeable about environmental protection as problems with it keep getting worse. By rearing ecologically aware children who value conservation, we are ensuring a sustainable future for coming generations.

How therefore might we encourage in our kids a love of the natural world? Less complicated than you would imagine. Make outside pursuits entertaining and engaging first. Get kids interested and involved by taking them on nature walks, camping in the backyard, or starting a little garden together.

Key is also to teach them the value of sustainability and conservation. Describe the need of recycling or the ways in which trees contribute to air purifying. Children take in all we tell them, much like sponges do.

As kids get older, feed their curiosity. Perhaps forestry or wildlife biology appeals to them (hey, that might be your future family business!). Early on, expose them to many facets of jobs connected to the environment; it might just ignite a lifetime passion.

Recall that the idea is to give them experiences that let them recognize the beauty and importance of nature rather than to make them love it.

I am improving both her life and the environment when I see my daughter skip through the forest with a fresh sense of amazement and wonder. And that is something worth leaving behind. Growing a love of the natural world in kids is an investment in the future of our world, not just outdoor play. Let us therefore take our children on a tour of all the wonders that Mother Nature has to offer!

How do you think children should be connected to nature? I would be delighted to hear your stories and advice below!